Saturday, June 16, 2007

How Jesus Can Redeem Your Past (1)

By Joshua Harris, Title of the book I Kiss Dating Goodbye Pg103

As Christians, we "know" certain things such as " Jesus loves me" and "Christ died for sinners."
We've heard these statements countless times, but the dust of familiarity can dim the glory of these simple truths. We have to brush them off and remind ourselves of their life transforming power.

I share it here because after a chapter on the importance of striving for purity, we need a reminder of God's grace. For some, myself included, a discussion of purity is an exercise in regret - it reminds us of our impurity and the times we've failed.

Maybe you've blown it. Maybe you reflect on past actions and wince with remorse. Purity seems like a lost cause. This dream, called "The Room," is dedicated to you.

To Be Continue: How Jesus Can Redeem Your Past (2)

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