Thursday, March 27, 2008


I went to see and supported my cousin Meiling and our church brother James in a play at one of the church. After the play, There this Youth Pastor called Pastor Andrew came to share his unusual sad expierence that he had gone through each year.
he shared one of the true story with us that was held in Phillippines. It was out in news paper as well in Phillippines. Is sad to hear the news, you may say that the driver was crazy and out of his mind to do that. But that was how God sacrificed His only begotten son Jesus Christ to die for the people on earth. Whosoever believe, shall be Saved and have this gift FREE that is Eternal life.

I copied the story from Yu'an's blog. Pls read!

once he went with a friend to philippines..
and one day the friend asked him along to visit a man..
this man was just an ordinary man like the rest of the pple..
he was probabbly just rather frail though..
this man had a story..
he was a bus driver and he ferried children to and fro from sch each day..
he had a 6yr old son..a very cute and lovable little child, whom he loved alot..
this little boy also loved his dad alot..
this man told his son that he would send him home from school everyday when he fetched the afternoon shift to school..
he told his son to stand on one side of the road, the side where the padi field was, to wait for him...
one day, the brakes of the bus gave way and the man was unable to stop the bus at all..
he had 2 choices, one of which was to turn left, but the 40 children in the bus would thus lose their lives..
the second was to turn right, where his beloved son was standing, but the bus would be able to stop and the 40 children would be saved, as the bus would be slowed down by the padi field...
he didnt know what to do..
but at that moment he knew he had to save these 40 kids..
he saw his son by the road waving and calling out to him..
and at that instant he turned right into the padi field, killing his son on the spot..
but the 40 children survived..
it was all over the news..
with tears in his eyes, the man told the pastor, "this was the right thing to do"

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son
(Jesus Christ)
Whosoever BELIEVE shall not PERISH but have EVERLASTING LIFE. Amen!

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