Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Trust His Timing, by Tom Norvell

One of the features of my new mobile phone is a clock that allows me to
see the time in multiple time zones, set an alarm, use a stopwatch, and
time an event. When I take a walk, I usually set the timer for about
fifteen minutes short of the length of time I want to walk. That way, I
can decide the route for the last part of the walk. For instance, if I
plan to walk for an hour, I will set the time on my phone for 45
minutes. Invariably, I will check the timer a number of times before
the alarm sounds.

Is this thing working?

Did it sound and I did not hear it?

Has something malfunctioned?

Thus far, the alarm has never failed to work. I have never walked an
extra hour by accident. The device has never failed to perform as it is
designed to do. Yet, I still have a feeling of distrust in the clock.

The same thing happens as I walk through life, trying to live on God's

I have read the instructions from His word about trusting Him. I am
listening to God, praying for His will to be done. I believe that He is
working even though I cannot see it. I know that the Father is in
charge. I know that nothing will happen that escapes His view. I know
that He cares for me. I know that the Lord has always dealt, and will
always deal, with me according to His justice and goodness. However,
there are still times when I have difficulty trusting His timing.

I have discovered three realities about trusting His timing.

I have learned that His timing is always right!

First, trusting His timing is sometimes hard. There are times when I
eagerly lay my cares down, but then I decide not to wait for God to
work and pick them back up again. There are other times when my
concerns must be ripped from my hands. My doubts and fears take over:
What if He does not listen? What if He hears the wrong thing? What if
He chooses to act in a way that I do not like? Or worse, what if He
chooses not to act at all? I have swallowed hard when He responded with
"No," and I have laid awake at night wrestling with His answers that
appear to be, "Not now."

Second, trusting His timing is sometimes easy. There are times when
waiting for God to work His plan is easy. Laying my concerns at the
feet of the Lord and leaving them there comes naturally. I have
experienced answered prayer soon after making the request. I receive
his "Yes" with joy and gratitude. I receive His "No" with patience and

Third, whether easy or difficult: I have learned over life and from His
word, that the Father's timing is always right.

Solomon said it this way:

He [God] has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set
eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has
done from beginning to end (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

You may be in a waiting time. Waiting for the answer. Waiting for
direction. Waiting for peace. Waiting for hope. Waiting for healing.
Waiting for victory. Doubt and uncertainty may have set in. You may be
left with questions and fears.

Whatever is the focus of your wait, trust His timing ... it is always

He has made everything beautiful in its time.

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